Join Vital Living

By Joining the Vital Living Spiritual Organization you are agreeing to the tenets and doctrines presented here. You will also receive discounts to our educational playshops, notices for upcoming spiritual services, community events and newsletter! We sincerely appreciate your support towards our organization’s growth and development.

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The Vital Living Doctrines:

Practice tolerance, validation, empathy, acceptance, compassion and love.

Do that which is TRUE while refraining from harm to self and others

Truth is self-determined

Respect and refrain from interfering with the truths of others

Respond with love in all situations

Practice tolerance for all spiritual paths regarding peaceful practices

Vital Tenets


Spirit connects us all, is accessible at all times, and is in all living things.


All spiritual paths can coexist in peace. We respect that every person has a birth right to choose their own spiritual path..


Prayer is a lifestyle. It is constant, direct communication with Spirit. Every thought and spoken word is a prayer creating our reality.


Vitalism is expressed as a “vital force” or “life force” which is the innate intelligence inherent in the patterns and processes of nature and all living organisms.


All living organisms are built on nature’s order and have the innate capacity to heal themselves.


Health is the natural state of living organisms and illness is an adaptive response to disturbances in function


The laws of nature are immutable, infallible and cannot be circumvented or improved upon.


Vitality is a function of how we harmonize with nature and cultivate the vital force on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level.


Spirit, Nature and Vital Living reminds us to embrace humor, chaos, transformation and peace and allows us to find the beauty in everyday existence.