Vital Living Blog

Cleansing with Kambô
by Kendyl Beschen I’ve been teaching music and yoga on the North Shore for about 15 years. I’m also a mother and have a passion for natural medicines that come from our Mother Earth. I began working with an Amazonian frog secretion called kambô about 5 years ago. I...

Ice Ice Baby:
The benefits of hot and cold by Nicole McNamara I am a huge fan of saunas and cold plunges. There is something about doing them together that puts me in a euphoric state. The combination can fall under cleansing and nourishing because of all the health benefits. This...

Love Your Liver!
Our liver is an amazing filter and processor of all the blood that leaves the stomach and intestines before it passes to the rest of our body.

One of the surest ways to recharge our battery is to lay in the sand, be warmed by the sun, rest under a tree, float in the sea. We can certainly feel reset after a surf or a beautiful hike, but how often do we make space for stillness to simply BE in Nature?

Nourish your body with this tasty breakfast recipe from Cory Tixier

Nourishing the Gut with Dr. Merci Ananda
It is well known that antibiotic pharmaceuticals negatively affect the balance of microbes in our GI system, but taking a probiotic supplement is not necessarily the best way to reestablish homeostasis.